Mediation & Dispute Resolution

Mediation can help if you have ........

  • a communication or relationship breakdown
  • reached an impasse in a family, workplace or organisational dispute
  • had a falling out and need to repair and maintain a valued relationship
  • a group or community conflict which threatens to escalate
  • friction or tensions that are undermining team performance
  • a conflict of interest between business partners
  • attitude, role or personality clashes that undermine cooperation

What is mediation?
Mediation is a voluntary method whereby parties work together with the assistance of a mediator to resolve disputes and relationship breakdown. 

The mediator is specially trained to assist parties to discover and agree mutually acceptable solutions as an impartial facilitator. Mediators do not judge, give legal advice or direct what the solution should be.

Unlike arbitration or litigation, implementation of agreements depend on voluntary commitment. The mediator has no power to impose a settlement on the parties.

Mediation is usually conducted face-to-face, but may be conducted by telephone, Skype or Facetime where this agreed, deemed necessary and appropriate. 


Breakdown to Breakthrough

"There is a field out there beyond right-doing and wrong-doing.  I will meet you there"